Summer Gardening Tips
Our summer vegetable garden is growing fast and furious. Here are four tips to ensure yours does too.
Be Smart About Watering
While the temperature may be warmer and drier, you need to be smarter about watering. Experts say that is is better to water gardens twice a week with plenty of water rather than watering the more frequently with less water. Also, avoid watering plants in the evening as it can promote fungus growth. Try to water in the morning and only in the evening if the plant really needs it.
Feed Your Plants
Plants need more than just water to survive increasing temperatures and excessive sun exposure during the summer. To help fight this, you should place a 3-inch layer of mulch in garden beds to help retain moisture and keep plants insulated from high temperatures. It is also important to feed plants throughout the summer season.
Add Some Shade
Many plants, and vegetables need some shade throughout the day. If your garden is in an area of full sun, consider planting shrubs in areas that can provide shade for a few hours throughout the day.
Combat Pests
Bugs can be bountiful in the summer, therefore it is vital to rid your lawn of annoying ants, wasps, and spiders. Applying or placing bug traps around your yard can help keep pests from crashing your summer parties for months. Just make sure to avoid doors and high traffic areas and be very careful with what you choose if you have pets or small children that could accidentally find them.